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Friday 31 December 2010

Wednesday 22 December 2010

My very own personal Pyramid

This small Pyramid was bought from the industrial trade fair that took place here at Kolkata.
There were stalls from different countries
and this was in the Egyptian Stall

Nice isn't it?

Tuesday 21 December 2010

Its only words

Words are all i am left with
nothing but words
words that hurt
that make me smile

Sunday 19 December 2010

Saturday 18 December 2010


Golden sunset, evening at Cafe Coffee Day and Cappuccino

Friday 17 December 2010

A long way to go

Just a random snap taken from my car
Its the eastern Metropolitan Bypass 

Shadows of time

Time is slipping out of our hands. We must utilize each and every moment of this life. Looking back at the past only means wastage of time. 

Time is slipping out. any last messages to anyone special must be told . 

Wednesday 15 December 2010

A lovely evening @ Cafe Coffee day

That was a wonderful evening at Cafe coffee day with an old school friend of mine with whom i got connected after a Long time. Wat could be a better place that cafe coffee day and some coffee

Tuesday 14 December 2010


Haunted Feeling

You don't have to go to some far countryside to find a location like this
Its just opposite my house in the heart of the Big city
This used to be a palace some 100 years ago the portion you are seeing is only 1/4 of the palace the rest has been demolished. there are many ghost stories about this place . I myself don't  know whether they are true or not. i am staying in this locality for the last 19 years and still did n experience any funny stuff


Want some leftover coffee?
Cold winter night, thoughts about the past that may never come again  and a Lonely me .
its just me music and Facebook. What else could be better than a hot cup of  Black coffee?

Monday 13 December 2010

Tea or Coffee??

what will it be? Tea or coffee?
Tea or coffee?? if u ask me i will prefer Coffee ;)

Sunday 12 December 2010

Some Diwali pics

Taken on Diwali this year. 
Freezing action of the fireworks :)

Let there be Light Let there be Freedom

Let there be Light Let there be Freedom
Durga puja is a very huge festival in India! specially in the eastern part .
Kolkata being the capital of West Bengal celebrates Durgapuja in an extravagant way .there are 5 days of Durga puja
This pic was taken on Ashtami(3rd day). Ashtami is considered to be one of the most important day of this Hindu celebration.

The tallest towers of kolkata

This here in the pic are the tallest towers(South City) of kolkata
this is taken in my DSLR camera and is taken from the parking lot of the South city mall

Friday 10 December 2010

So many pnaes flying together?? is that the Indian Airforce?

Indian Air force?
It was a bright sunny afternoon saw many planes flying in group. the camera zoom didn permit me to zoom in further. this is the farthest i can get

Wednesday 8 December 2010

Driving the smoke away

Make the world free from pollution exhausting away the smoke! that's the theme of the pic

Plugged in

Plug in
You have the freedom to make out any thing out of this pic :)
Keep your dirty mind aside ;)

Tuesday 7 December 2010

Its raining sadness

Taken by me on 1st July. I don't think that its a co incidence, often rainfall is linked with sadness and on that day sadness entered my life and is still going on

Study study study

Must study
Studying can be boring !!Its a good thing that I have my camera with me all the time so that i can never get bored.

Its so Dark

The beginning of dark phase of life. The sunlight fading away and there is no silver lining

Monday 6 December 2010



Just another Summer evening sunset ! the pollution heat and humidity all decreasing slowly as the sen sets in the west and cooling down the atmosphere to some extent

The storm may eat u alive

Storm is coming
Wat a storm that was almost flooded the city

Sunday 5 December 2010


Clouds on the floor
Rains drenched my roof which reflected the clouds above :)

Lost in Green

Welcome to the Jungle
Taken in my terrace! It was raining and it was the 1st of July .

BigFoot @ Sunset

Big Foot
This is the entrance of my Floor and it was sunset time the sun was setting down the door was half closed a lazy afternoon just a streak of light coming through making the afternoon more lazy

Tear drops of God

Tear drops on leaves
It looks like God shed His tears on the leaves. It was 1st July 2010 yes i remember that date very well. from that day my life changed totally and i entered the darkest phase of my life.

Saturday 4 December 2010

Its a new world Its a new Start iys a new Day

Its a new day
Its a new world
Its a life with the beating of young heart

The sun sets down and the sky turns grey

It was just another Hot Humid summer day . However the evening was cooled down by storm and later on heavy rainfall


"AND, like a dying lady lean and pale,
Who totters forth, wrapp'd in a gauzy veil,
Out of her chamber, led by the insane
And feeble wanderings of her fading brain,
The moon arose up in the murky east
A white and shapeless mass."
Extract from The Moon by  Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822)


Celebration of Life

I participated in the inter college photography event at my college fest IEMPACT.And 1 stood at the 1st place there
the theme was celebration of life and participants had to submit 4 pics related to that theme. I did the same and this was the winning snap 

It Kills

It can kill you
Taken by me on march 2010 
Just part of Random Photography 

Friday 3 December 2010

Burning Desire

Burning Desire

Fire that ignites us from within. That gives us the inner strength. Its the fire that keeps us alive

Thats all

Thats all for the Himachal Pradesh pics
as those pics were 2 years old and i was just starting off with photography so they wrere not upto the mark
Now on i am gonna upload some more recent pics
which i would call
"Random Photography" 

Rohtang pass

Snowy again

Grass and Snow
Change of Terrain

Thursday 2 December 2010

Rocky Green Snow

Rocky Green Snow

Scenes were changing every minute when we were on our way to rohtang. Slowly the greenery was fading away and we could see more of snow and rocks. It was an amazing view 

Wednesday 1 December 2010

Toy Town

The houses look like toys
The houses looks like toys.. Unreal view from above

The road is like a Snake

Slithering like a snake
A few thousand meters above the sea level the roads look like a slithering snake.  Where as our destination was 14,000 feet

On the way to Rohtang Pass

Snowy mountains
We were going to Rohtang pass from Manali. Right after exiting Manali we were traveling parallel to the Beas river . 
The Beas river originates from the Rohtang pass.
Here is a view were u can see greenery as well as rugged snowy peaks as well as rocks :)

Living on a Prayer

Offering Prayers
There's a huge Buddhist monastery at Manali. Took this snap there

Shimla again

The lovely place called Shimla
This shot is taken from the Kali Mandir of Shimla. Surely its a great sight from there
and i always wish i can go back there again and again ..